Friday, October 30, 2009

THEEEE YANKEES WIN!!; World Series Game 2 Recap

The Yankees did what they needed to do; win Game 2.  That is all we were talking about, win Game 2, tie this thing up going into Philly.  That is excatly what the Yankees did, and now this is a completely brand new series.  The crowd was electric pretty much the whole night as the Whose your Daddy chants rained from the crowd.  We are now headed to a very good atmoshpere in Philly, but I expect nothing less than taking the next two of three. 

- A.J earned his $82 mil with this start.  He finally put everything together and was simply mowing down the Phillies.  He ran into some trouble into the 2nd, where he gave up a run to Matt Stairs on an RBI single, but that was it.  Also, A-Rod should have come up with that ball.  After that, he was dominating, he got into a jam in the 6th where he walked Rollins, but came out unscathed.  The 7th inning was just lights out, as he had the crowd roaring with every strike out and his last out on a weak ground ball.  He threw 54 fastballs, 46 curves, 9 changes, for 109 total pitches.  His curve was working from the get-go, and Philly did not know what hit them, just ask Ryan Howard who is wearing his nice Golden Sombrero.  On the other hand, everyone in the world thought Pedro would get lite up like a christmas tree.  What happend was shocking, he not only pitched well, he looked like the old Pedro at times.  He ended up with 8 k's in 6 innings, and you have to say, Pedro has guts.  He really is a big game pitcher and this is a nice cherry on top of his Hall of Fame career.  However, he lost the game, and all the reporters and media sounded like he won the game.  Sorry, he lost.  Get over it.  
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-The crowd was dead going into the 4th, the Yankees had not scored an earned run yet in the Series, our bats were dead as could be, until Mark Teixeira stepped up to the plate.  You just had a feeling the Yankees NEEDED to score with Tex, A-Rod, and Matsui coming up.  BOOOOM, Tex BLASTS a homer to deep, DEEP right field.  Tie game.  Thats all we needed, and the stadium ERUPTED.  Whose your daddy was chanted and the fans were back into the game.  Hopefully this can get Tex going, but he still sucked at the end of the game so who knows.

- Matsui's HR was huge as well.  A.J just got out of a HUUUGE jam and for Matsui to take Pedro deep, especially since he was 4-28 lifetime off of him, was so big.  Pedro threw a hanging curve that almost hit his shoe tops, and Matsui drove it.  If you see the highlight, notice the guy throw a beer up in the air and splashs down on everyone.  Funny stuff.  From my seats I could not see either ball land, but I knew both were gone the moment Tex and Matsui hit it. 

- Charlie Manual called on his inner Grady Little and left Pedro in too long.  The move to bring in Chan Ho Park might have been the DUMBEST decision of all time, Posada roped an RBI single, and it would have been at least 5-1 at the end of the inning if not for one of the worst calls I have ever seen by Brian Gorman.  From my seats, I was in the second level 5th row pretty much behind the foul pole in right, I saw him trap it.  Howard knew he trapped it by throwing to first.  How Gorman did not see this is a travesty.  Could you imagine if Philly tied the game??!!  This is literally getting to be too much, there ABSOLUTLY has to be instant replay next year for ALL calls BUT balls and strikes.  You have to do it, I dont care if you slow down the game, not my problem, just get the call right.  I got a good text during the game from a friend in my house it said, "Doesnt need to be instant replay, just be like hockey, get it right the first time."  Its true, hockey has their flaws in calls, but for the most part their refs are pretty accurate.  GET THE CALL RIGHT, IF I COULD SEE IT FROM 400 FEET AWAY, WHY COULDNT BRIAN GORMAN!!!!????  Mind boggling.  Not too mention he felt the need to have a make up call when he called Utley out at first on Mo's double play ball.  Clearly safe, and thats BS as well, there shouldnt be missed calls, which means there shoudlnt be make up calls.  Terrible, the whole thing sucks.

- I am not concerned YET about A-Rod.  0-8 with 6 k's is ATROCIOUS, but its only two games.  I am not going to get wrapped up in that yet.  Its only time before Damon, Tex, and A-Rod start hitting.  It will come, be patient.

- Mariano for 2 innings, I got to be honest, I didnt like the move.  I wanted A.J for AT LEAST 2 guys in the 8th and then put in Mo.  You cant keep using Mo for 6 outs saves, he threw 40 pitches and is getting exhausted.  I have a bad feeling if Giardi keeps doing that, that it will bite us back in the ass during this series.  I hope I am wrong.  However, Mo is just legendary, how he got out of trouble, and pretty much every lead is safe with him.  You wont realize it until he is gone, but you will never see a better closer, pitcher for that matter than Mariano.  He gets the job done 99% of the time, while other guys are not good for more than five years in a row.  Mariano gets better with age, and he is going on 13 years of being an absolute DOMINATING reliever.  Amazing, I will shed a tear when he finally decides to hang it up.  But you know what, he still has it, that might not be until 2015. 

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If this weekend does not get a Philly-New York thing going, nothing will.  The appetizer on saturday features the Knicks-76ers at the Garden.  Awful game, but it gets things going.  Later that day the Yanks and Phillies sqaure off in Game 3 of the World Series in Philly.  On sunday, the Jets play the Dolphins (no relevance, just giving a shout out to my Jets fans) the Giants play the Eagles at Philly, and at night the Yankees play the Phillies in Game 4 of the World Series. 

For those not happy on my Gmen coverage of late, I am sorry the Yankees are in the World Series, the Giants can take a bit of a back seat in coverage.  I still watched the whole Cardinals game (DVR at 3 A.M very clutch) and I of course will be glued for sunday's game. 

- Lew

Thursday, October 29, 2009

World Series Game 1 Recap

That headline sums it up, and for the Knicks too.  I wish I had time to cover the Knicks, but the truth is I have a life.  No, in all seriousness, I have to drive back in an hour to go to Game 2 and have errands and stuff to run, so I am going to go over the key notes of what the hell went wrong for the Yanks last night.  I am absolutly pumped for tonight, though my seats are atrocious, I dont care, I will be in the ballpark when everyone chants "whose your daddy" (maybe??) to Pedro.  This doesnt look good from the start for the Phillies tonight, yes I can see A.J getting hit hard (he did in May against the Phillies at home) but if the Yankees cant hit Pedro, than they should not deserve to win the World Series.  I can see like a 8-5 Yankee win, something along those lines.  Bottom line is the Yankees have to win, if they lose, with Hamels going in Game 3, I just dont see them coming back.  But, if you tie it up at 1's were right back in it.  I have the upmost faith in Game 2, 3, and 4, the problem is Game 5 where you probably are going to see Chad Gaudin vs Cliff Lee.  All the Yankees need to do is bring it back to the Bronx, either up 3-2 or down 3-2 because Lee will only make an apperance in Game 7 as a reliever, and C.C will start that game.  Just get it back to the Bronx.  Now to last nights awfulness.

-Cliff Lee is dominant.  I had him on my fantasy tea, the year he won the CY Young in 2008, so I followed him everyday, the guy was lights out, but until I saw him face the Yanks that year in 08, I didnt realize how good he is.  Whats amazing is that he is even better now.  He has an unhittable fast action curve that he threw all night, a great change up, and a great tailing fastball.  What was so impressive was that he did not walk anybody.  You can give up these singles here and there, but the key is keeping down the walks.  He had it all working last night, and Game 5 is an automatic lose at this point, I dont see how any team could touch him.  C.C on the other hand was every bit as good except the home runs to Utley and the walks.  Not be fooled, C.C after the first was fantastic except for the two mistakes to Utley.  If you could have told me that C.C would have given up 2 runs in 7, I would have signed up for that in a heartbeat.

-Chase Utley might be the new Yankee killer.  We all know this guy is great, but he single handidly won last nights game.  All by himself.  Forget the later innings, and that mess of a pen we have, Utley's two bombs, the last going about 420 feet, were the game changer.  Do you know that only two players have hit three Homers in a game, Reggie Jackson, and Babe Ruth...TWICE!!  Thats how good the Babe was, he still holds records in 2009.

-The Yankees pen is a mess, and that is a HUUUUUUUGE concern for every game but when C.C starts.  The good news is that the Phillies Pen is even worse, but Phil Hughes has to get it going.  HAS TO.  You cant continue to put Hughes in these spots, he is nervous, he cant find the plate, and I would be more inclined to use Joba there.  Yes, it has come to that with Hughes.  I am going to give Robertson the benefit of the doubt, he has been great, and to let up that hit, well, it happens.  I will tell you what guy I will get on, that is Brian Bruney.  All year Bruney whines, and cries about his role.  He complains he wasnt on the ALDS and ALCS roster.  So Bruney gets a chance down 4-0 to hold the lead in the 9th.  What does he do?  He gives up 2 runs on 3 hits.  Never, NEVER do I want to see Brian Bruney, not only in this series but in a Yankees uniform again.  I am sick and tired of this guys act, all he does is complain and mess up when he is out there.  I texted my friend Ryan saying, "If this were medival times, someone would have beheaded Brian Bruney." 

-Very displeased with Girardi again, he completly mis managed this game.  C.C threw 113 pitches, you have to let him attempt to go 8.  Who knows, if this game is 2-0 going into the Bottom of the 9th, could have been a different ending.  The one thing about Girardi in the NL is that he does have experience managing the Marlins a few years back.  The bad news?  He is going to use about 9 pitchers in every game. 

-The Yankees better start hitting, and I feel they will, but there backs are against the wall now.  This is it, go down 2-0 it might be over before it started.  Not every year is '96 where we can win all three games in Philly.  Win tonight, and as I said before, we are right where we needed to be.  1-1 going into Philly is fine, especially with big game Andy in Game 3, and Joe Blanton vs. C.C in Game 4.  (Though there are conflicting reports saying Lee will go in Game 4, if that is the case then thats obviously bad because Lee could then go in Game 7, which means my theory of going down 3-2 is scratched).  I know the numbers: Teams that have won Game 1 have won the last 6 World Series, and since '99, only the '02 Angels lost Game 1 to go on to win the World Series.  I know all of this.  But the Yankees have battled adversity all year, they have come back when nobody expect them to, and I think this year is no different.  You win tonight, you win tomorrow, and have another C.C- Lee matchup in Game 4 (as being reported, not confirmed yet).  Yes, I am very, very nervous, but I am confident as well.  Just get a W tonight, and I feel we will be on our way.

- Lew

Monday, October 26, 2009

Yankees World Series Bound; Game 6 Recap

We remember the disappointment of last season, the $423 million spent on C.C Sabathia, Mark Teixteria, and A.J Burnett.  We made our predictions, and how awsome would be if we won it all.  We remember Spring Training, the A-Rod scandal, and then A-Rod's surgery.  We remember April, how we struggled, Cody Ransom at third, Chein-Ming Wang throwing batting practice to opposing teams, and we remember May when A-Rod came back and got this team going.  We remember lsoing 8 in a row to the Red Sox, going into a funk in june against the Nationals and Marlins.  We remember Francisco Cervelli's home run to beat the Braves in late June, the night Cashman flew to Atlanta and Girardi had a close door meeting.  We remember the team taking off, posting an almost .700 winning percentage after the break, beating the Red Sox 9 out of the last 10 games, and blowing past the competition to the playoffs.  We remember last night, as the Yankees won their 40th American League Pennant, and hopeuflly we will remember next week, after ther Yankees try to secure four more wins.

All I heard before the series was about the Angels curse, their fundamental baseball and that the Yankees could not step up to the challenge.  Well guess what guys, the Yankees just beat their arch nemesis Angels and our en route to the World Series.  I have said all year long, and years past, and people have quoted me on this, "if the Yankees ever get past the Angels, they will win the World Series."  I still believe this 100%.  Joe Torre never could get past the Angels, now Joe Girardi has.  Jeter, Posada, Mo, Pettitte, all never could break the Angels curse, until now.  They all knew how big this was, not just the ALCS, but to get past the Angels, and they have done it.  Though the Phillies are an EXCELLENT offensive team,  I feel that once the Yanks got by Boston in the regular season, the Angels in the playoffs, that a World Series win is just a formality.  Its not as close to as big as Boston breaking the Yankees curse in 2004, but it is a HUGE deal that the Yankees just beat the Angels, and I think they very well know that.  (By the way, it also says a lot of what I think of Fatcessa that I am not immeditaly listening to him.  If this was Mike and the Mad Dog I would have watched the whole show.  Now?  Not so much.  WE NEED RUSSO!!!).

Alright, lets get to this game, and why we are sitting here celebrating a Yankees Pennant.

-Congrats to C.C on the ALCS MVP.  Well deserved, though A-Rod might have deserved a share as well.  C.C has been disgustinly good, since Aug 2. vs. the White Sox, C.C is 12-1 with a 2.09 ERA. 

- This Angels team was not a typical Angels team.  This was not only evident in this series, but earlier in the year.  The fact that the Texas Rangers competed with them for as long as they did, showed that.  The fact the Angels relied on their offense this year instead of their defense and pitching, especially bullpen, is a reason why one should have been concerned.  The fact the Angels felt the need to acquire Scott Kazmir, a starter, in Auguest was a caution sign.  Yes, they beat the Sox in three games, but we all knew the Sox werent good this year.  If the Sox played the Yankees, we might have swept them.  So, though this Angels team might have been the third best team in baseball, it was not by any means a team the Yankees usually dont match up well against.  Their speed was never show cased, their bats were silent for the most part, their bullpen was brutal, and the Angels starters aside from Lackey and Saunder in Game 2 were awful. 


- I hate to say "I told you so" to those people who said the Yankees would never reach a World Series with A-Rod.  Abreu was quoted as saying he has never seem him locked in like this, that the guy is a machine.  That is pretty much what he is right now, he hit two SCORCHING balls last night, and I would be very, very surprised if he cooled off in the World Series.  Also, did you notice in the postgame how big A-Rod's hands are?  Like his hands are HUGE, like Jason Campbell, Shaq HUGE.  Just a thought.

- What a huge hit by Johnny Damon last night.  He was struggling all series, though he did hit two home runs in Game 3 and 4, and left the bases loaded in the 2nd, and for him to come up with that hit in the 4th was huge.  If Johnny can come up big in this World Series I might start think about forgiving him for 2004.  In addition, Pettitte was simply Andy Pettitte.  He has gone 6 1/3 in every postseason start so far, and so you might as well expect another 6 1 3 start from him in Game 3 (depending on the situation if he is up with the bases loaded etc.).  Now, I am not a believer he is a Hall of Famer, or that his number should be retired, but take a look at the numbers:

Pettitte is 229-135 in the regular season, 12 with the Yankees, 3 with the Astros with an ERA of 3.91.  Hes managed over 2,100 strikeouts in just over 2,900 innings, which isnt great, but the 2100 strikeouts is fairly impressive for a guy who did not usually strike guys out.  With his win last night, Pettitte is 16-9 in the postseason, which is the most wins all time by a pitcher.  (This is misleading because guys like Bob Gibson did not have the division series, and if you go back further, guys like Walter Johnson only had a World Series).  His ERA is 3.83 in the playoffs in 38 career starts, he is now going to pitch in his seventh World Series, and has so far won four rings.  He has finished top 5 in the Cy Young voting five times, went to two All-star games, and won 2001 ALCS MVP.  He is most compared to Frank Viola, who some argue should be in, and Tom Glavine who of course WILL get in.  Its a compelling case, especially if he wins another Postseason game and wins another ring. 

- I am starting to think that the throwing error made by Scott Kazmir is going to start a downfall of his career.  He is not the same pitcher he was in 2006 and 2007, and of course was even traded to the Angels this year.  That error was just inexplicable, and you can start to see things falling apart for Kazmir.  He pitched poorly in Game 4 and in relief in Game 6 and I would not be surprised that by 2011 he is wearing yet another uniform.

- You think Giambi makes that play Tex makes in the 8th?  Tex is just so valuable, yea he hit .222 this series, but he also saved at least five runs with his glove. He rarely makes an error, and changes the game so drastically on defense that it doesnt always matter about his bat.  Lets also not forget how big a hit that was in Game 5. 

- Mariano is just so good you get spoiled.  When he is gone (hes 40 and is like wine, he gets better with age) he will by far be the most missed NYC sports figure in history.  No ifs, ands or buts.  I have more faith in Mariano than I do with my own president. 

So, now that its official, lets circle November 1st, or next sunday as maybe the start of the Philly-New York rivalery that goes beyond football.  Yea, the Mets and Phillies is a quasi-rival.  Think about it, the Mets DOMINATED the Phillies in the 80's, then the Phillies returned the favor and DOMINATED the Mets in the early 90's.  They were both horrendous in the mid-late 90's and then in 1999-2001 the Mets started to dominate the Phillies again.  Then they both became atrocious again, and then in the mid 2005-2006 the Mets beat up on the Phillies again, which reveresed fortunes in 2007 and 2008 when the Mets collapsed and the Phillies won the division.  Wheeeeeew.  So you see, not until 2007 did these teams really start hating each other, and thats because the Mets were inept and collapsed. 

Obviously we all know the Eagles DESPISE the Giants and the Giants DESPISE the Eagles.  This has been a hated rivalary since Chuck Bednarik's hit on Frank Gifford in 1960.  I still hate Chuck Bednarik whenever he is interviewed, he epitomizes Philly; a bunch of lowlife scum bags.  There has never been a Yankees-Phillies thing, they have not matched up in a series since 1950.  But also because Philly never cared for baseball until the team gets good, you know what I am talking about Mets fans.  Mets fans used to go into that stadium and it was 70% Mets fans.  Now, the Phillies are good, they woke up from their Rip Van Winkle slumber, and they think they run the MLB.  Let me tell you something Philly, your a football and hockey town, nobody questions your loyalty with those two teams, the Eagles and Flyers.  But dont start acting now like a Phillies town just because they are good.  I remember you not selling out the 2001 NBA Finals when the 76ers hosted the Lakers.  I also remember the stadium half empty 3 years ago.  It wasnt because people could not afford the seats, I will say that much. 

So, let the games begin.  New York.  Philly.  Two teams from two cities that really, REALLY dont like each other.  This is a Mets fan worst nightmare; A Yankees and Phillies fans dream.  Four more to go to number 27.  Lets get it done.

- Lew

Giants-Cards Recap

- Lew

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giants-Cardinals History (Can be read at

As the Giants prepare to take the field tonight against the Arizona Cardinals, it will mark the 124th time the Giants will have played the Cardinals franchise, including stops in Chicago, St. Louis, and now Arizona.  That ranks third all-time behind the Redskins (153) and the Eagles (150). 

The Giants have historically dominated the Cardinals, posting an 80-41-2 record since 1925, which equates to a .660 winning percentage for the Giants.  The Giants and Cardinals have never met in the postseason, and the Cardinals are currently on a two game skid against the Giants, last beating them in 2004.  As most of you know, the Cardinals were a member of the NFC East starting in 1970 all the way until 2001.  Prior to that, the Cardinals won the 1925 and 1947 league titles while in Chicago.  It took until 2008 for the Cardinals franchise to win another title again (NFC Title). 

In the 14 years the Cardinals were in the Arizona, they swept the Giants only once, which was in 1999.  Amazingly, in the 32 years the Cardinals were part of the NFC East, they swept the Giants only five times, and four of those were in the second half of the 1970's (1974-1976, 1979).  Conversely, in that time period of the two teams being in the NFC East, the Giants swept the Cardinals 13 times. 

Few games have been memorable between the so called "rivals" but the Cardinals were the first game after Jim Fassel's infamous, "this team is going to the playoffs speech" in 2000.  The Giants ended up winning that game 31-7 and went on to win the next 6 games in route to a Super Bowl apperance.  Another memorable game was back in 1995 when the Giants rallied from a 14 points down to beat the Cardinals 27-21 in ovetime.  Another was back in 1990.  The Giants were 5-0 and down 19-3 to the then Phoenix Cardinals.  The Giants rallied back behind Jeff Hosteler who came in for an injured Phil Simms, and won the game on a last second field goal 20-19 and keep their perfect season alive. 

The last time these two met was last year in Phoenix, where the Giants took care of the eventual NFC Champs by the score of 37-29.  The last meeting between the two teams at Giants Stadium was back in the regualr season opener in 2005, a 42-19 Giants win.  The last time the Cardinals beat the Giants at Giants Stadium, you have to go all the way back to November 28th, 1999, a 34-24 beat down of the Giants, led by Jake "the Snake" Plummer.  In fact, the Giants are 5-0 at home Vs the Cardinals this decade, and going back to 1976, the first year of Giants Stadium, the Giants are 20-6 at home vs. the Cards including a consecutive winning streak at home from 1984-1994.  So, if going by numbers alone, the Giants have a good shot of beating the Cardinals tonight.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ralph Vacchiano Interview

Hey guys, I got very good news today, author of the best Giants blog around and NY Daily News writer Ralph Vacchaino emailed me today and I will conducting an interview for  I have not thought of any questions yet so if you have a good one about Syracuse of the Giants, or the NFL in general shoot me a comment and I will be sure to ask him. 

- Lew

Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to the Bronx; Game 5 Recap

Blame A.J, or maybe even Nick Swisher, but the bottom line is that last nights game was blown by Phil Hughes inability to get out of the 7th inning.  And in the end, the Yanks lose a wild game to the Angels 7-6 to force a Game 6 back in the Bronx.  Listen, everyone should feel a little uneasy about this series but thats it.  Andy Pettitte on the mound in Game 6, C.C in Game 7 everything SHOULD work out.  I am not going to be like every Yankee fan on WFAN right now who are basically proclaiming we are going to lose.  I have the upmost confidence in both Pettitte and C.C to get it done in Game 6 and Game 7 need be.  The only problem is that if it does get to Game 7 our momentum is out the window.  Another stat for you stat heads on there:  The record of West Coast teams playing at East Coast teams, at the East Cost teams venue in the playoffs, are 10-36.  That is a .217 winning percentage.  So the stats are on our side, as well as this series is very eerie to the 2000 ALCS where we were up 3-1, lost Game 5, everyone panicked, got down early in Game 6, and David Justice hit that famous Home Run to send us to the World Series.  Now to the game.

-I periodically go to and listen to the radio broadcast of Super Bowl 42.  It gets me pumped on and the whole thing.  After the infamous Eli mad scramble and Tyree catch, and after Bob Papa was done yelling, Carl Banks interjects, with an amazed tone and says, "this team just wont quit."  Thats how I feel about this Yankee team.  They just wont quit.  And so when it was 4-0 in the 7th, I didnt feel great, but I didnt feel like the game was over either.  Usually the Angels tack on runs, and when it was only 4-0 going into the 7th, I was mildly surprised, and confident.  Something that gets lost in this game is Tex's double to make it 4-3.  What an UNBELIEVABLY BIG hit, and HOPEFULLY will get Tex on track after a really rough series.  Personally, I think it will, especially since he will be hitting from the right side against Saunders in Game 6, and that hit off of Oliver was from the right side. 

- A guy I usually get on, but he had probably the biggest hit of the game for the Yanks was Robbie Cano.  In that spot he usually does not do anything, but I got to hand it to them, he really came through last night, and Matsui as well for that matter.


- I thought one of the most perplexing moves Mike Scoscia has ever made was walking A-Rod in the 9th inning with two outs.  Why put the tying run on when Fuentes is wild and sucks to begin with?  Yea, it worked out, but he was a ball away to Nick Swisher for it not working.  Speaking of Swisher, I cant get on him for THIS game, but its his overall performence that makes me believe Girardi should sit him for Gardner.  I think its the right move, hes been struggling real bad and having a spark plug like Gardner could come in handy for the first few innings, and if need me, pinch hit him with Swisher. 

- My thoughts on A.J is that he is a downright head case.  He looked as bad as a pitcher could look in an inning, and then in the 2nd got a double play on a hard hit ball and after that he was fine.  I am absolutly not going to kill Girardi for leaving Burnett in, he was rolling along had ONE BAD INNING, and it just so happens he fell apart.  Nobody said A.J was good when he faced adversity.  It is just very unfortuante that it had to happen when the Yanks were 9 outs away from the Pennant.

- I thought John Lackey earned himself a ton of money this off season with his performence last night.  As you might know, Lackey is a free agent, the top pitcher on the market, and proved his Game 1 performence was a fluke.  He flat out dominated through 6 2/3 and if not for that terrible ball call on Posada, he would have left the game up 4-0 going into the bottom of the inning.  However, I think it doesnt really matter because the Angels bullpen is so bad that no lead is safe with this team.

- Phil Hughes, I feel for you man, but there is no excuse for throwing that fastball to flat when the previous pitch you made him look silly on that curve.  I cant blame Jorge because he was standing, he wanted a high fastball, and Hughes completly missed his spot.  Still, I think a curveball would have been approiate at that time.  I wrote after the ALDS that Hughes was a bit nervous but would bounce back strong, that clearly has not been the case after an awful series.  His postseason has been a nightmare, the same for Joba as well, who again looked ATROCIOUS in relief.  Going into the postseason I thought the bullpen would be a dominating force, now its just Mariano you shuts everyone down.  Lets get to Mo for a second, how good is he?  Seriously, the guy is as close to a robot as you can find, every big out, every time, you see why as Yankee fans we get so spoiled when he does actually mess up.  Simply because 95% of the time he doesnt. 

Look, I know we all point to 2004 and get nervous etc.  But this is not 2004, where Jon Lieber and Kevin Brown were slated for Game 6 and 7.  This isnt 2004 where are lineup was collapsing, we scored 6 runs yesterday, granted they were in one inning.  This isnt 2004 where it was 3-0 and they kept winning.  Its one game, the Angels won 96 games, it was potentially their last game at home, you had to think they had a good shot of winning.  It is just very dissapointing because the Yankees were 7 outs away until they tied the game.  Yankee Stadium will be ROCKING tomorrow night, Pettitte has ALWAYS come up big when you need him the most, and this team is determined and ready to win the Pennant tomorrow night.  Lets just hope it all doesnt have to come down to C.C and the dreaded Game 7, because then, I will be nervous.

- Lew

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ALCS Game 4 Recap

This game is going to be remembered more for Tim Mcclelland's umpiring rather than a triumphet Yankee win, that puts them one win away from the World Series.  Mcclelland has been around for over 30 years, but that game last night is why umpires have been so bad in a nut shell.  The play with Swisher he WAS NO EVEN LOOKING AT THE BASE!!!  HORRENDOUS call, but still not the worst of the night.  The worst was the play in 5th.  More on that in a bit.  But getting to the game, what a bounce back from everyone calling for Joe Girardi's head (me included) to come into L.A where they have been 1-5 in the postseason since 2002 and SMACK the Angels around winning 10-1.  They got to Kazmir early, often, and he did not even live to the see the 5th inning.  As I said before, the Yankees can clinch the Pennant tomorrow and look poised to do so.  Even if it goes to a Game 6, I have an outrageous amount of confidence in a Pettitte- Saunders matchup in the Bronx.  Lets get to the recap of Game 4 first.

- The game breezed along through three innings with really zero action.  Kazmir's pitch count was pretty high, as he loves to load the count because he cant control his pitches, and has a hard time in putting hitters away.  C.C on the other hand, was rolling through the Angels lineup.  You got the sense that the Yankees were going to eventually get to Kazmir, but the Angels were not going to come anywhere close to C.C.  Then the 4th inning came and after an A-Rod single, a Posada double, and a Matsui K, which might have been the worst swing I have seen someone take in 22 years, Cano stepped up to the plate and hit a chopper to Howie Kendrick who threw an awful ball to the plate.  A-Rod slid under the tag and the Yankees took a 1-0 lead.  After a Swisher walk, Melkey stepped in a finally came up big. He roped a single to left, which plated two and the Yankees took a 3-0 lead.  Then things got weird.  After a Jeter walk, Damon hit a fly ball to Torii Hunter, and easily scored Swisher.  As Lee Corso would say, not so fast my friend, and Mcclelland said Swisher left the base early.  Well, that was simply not true, replays shows Mcclelland was not even looking at the base.  An ATROCIOUS call and it prompted me to smash a bottle in my House.  Now if this was a close game, I would write a whole column of how I despise Tim Mcclelland, but it ultimatly did not matter.  However, this is still a HUGE deal becaus what if it did.  That call was so bad I was speechless, but nothing compared to the 5th.

- Lets move on to A-Rod, who hit YET ANOTHER HOME RUN in the 5th.  Did Babe Ruth come back from the dead and made his way into A-Rod's body?  I seriously think that could be a topic of discussion, because I dont know how else you can explain this. A-Rod has completly resurrected his legacy.  He has not only tied a record for most postseason RBI's in a series, he actually makes you confident in him every time up.  He has 5 HR this postseason and will 100% eclipse the record held by our friend Bernie with 6 in 1996. 

- Now to that call by Mcclelland.  Right away I said that is the worst call I have ever seen.  My friends needed another look, and then realized I was right.  THAT LITERALLY WAS THE WORST CALL IN MLB HISTORY.  I didnt even cared it worked out well for us, its 5-0 at that point C.C on the mound MOWING the Angels down, there literally was no way we would lose.  I seriously cannot believe he called Cano safe.  Was disgraced former NBA ref Tim Donaghy involved?  (Got to always put the digraced former NBA ref, makes it sound funnier, especially considering everytime his name is mentioned its ALWAYS disgraced former NBA ref...)  Mccellend should immediatly be suspended for the rest of the series.  That call ALONE was that bad, the fact he made TWO OF THEM is beyond me.  That was Ed Hocchuli bad, that was John Stamos trying to have a career after Full House bad.  I am seraching for words, but I cant come up with them right now.  It was THAT BAD A CALL.  I am almost relieved for Mccelland we did not score because that would have been awful for him.

- C.C might be the LCS MVP.  It probably will go to A-Rod who deserves it, but C.C has been a savior for the Yanks, not only in this postseason, but for the franchise.  If not for C.C we would not be here, and he changed the culture of the Yankees, they finally have an Ace they can go to in a time of need.  In years past Moose would pitch a game like this and get lit up and we would be tied a 2's now.  Instead, C.C GOES 8 INNINGS of one run ball and were one win away from the Pennant.  Amazing.  As for Kazmir, he really is not that good.  He has gotten worse over the years, he throws too many pitches, he cant throw hitters away, and he get too cute at times.  That Mets trade will always be absolutly, insanly atrocious, BUT it doesnt look as bad as it did lets say in 2007. Even last year Kazmir was not that good despite a World Series trip.  I wouldnt be surprised if he started bouncing around the league by lets say 2011 or 2012.

- I am glad to see Johnny Damon is starting to hit, he was in such a funk and to see him hit two home runs in two games is very promising. 

- Yesterday's win did not allow Girardi to mess up, and I think that is what is going to have to happen in the rest of this series and (knock on wood) the World Series.  However, if we happen to go against the Phillies and Charlie Manual (and lets be fair, that is about a 90% chance of that happening as of now) Girardi's not going to be outmanaged as badly as he was in Game 3 by Scoscia.  Manual is an average at best manager who has a tendency to REALLY mess up the bullpen, so Girardi can overcome that if he sticks to his GUT not his ridiculous theories that Howie Kendrick cant hit a cutter. 

- As Yankee fans, were all pretty excited for tomorrow, it might be the first time since 2003 we got to the World Series, and A.J can take us there with a strong outing tomorrow.  I would like to just end the series tomorrow rather than flying back for Game 6 though I am very confident we will win Game 6.  End it now, celebrate for a bit, and get ready for Game 1 in the Bronx. 

- Lew

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mike And Mad Dog Reunion


You got to love the akward high five by Russo.  They simply are too good together.  You realize it after they are gone, but its true, they MAKE EACH OTHER BETTER.  Which leads me to my next point, we will be here in two years, I will give it two years, and we will be saying "I cant believe they are back together."  I can almost guarentee that will happen.  TWO YEARS.  They know they are too good together and for maybe a five year run at the end they will be together.  I think it is almost inevitable. 

- Lew

Giants- Saints Recap

- Lew

ALCS Game 3 Recap

Why Joe is right.  Another epic game in this best of 7 series, except this one was in favor of the Angels. It is always frustrating when you lose, but when you lose because of your manager, it gets me angry.  This loss was not soley on the shoulders of Joe, but he had a lot A LOT to do with it.  This is bad, because now we have a series, and in a few hours, we might be tied up at 2's.  Here is the game in a nut shell:

- When Jeter leads the game off with a Home Run, I automatically have confidence that were going to win.  When Jeter leads the game off with a home run, we usually win, and I thought nothing different when he hit one out off of Weaver.  Jeter again has been his clutch self this series, but did have an opporunity to break a scoreless tie late and he failed to do so.

- Just start calling A-rod "A-Rod the Clutch."  Another Home Run, and in fact, he almost hit another one which would have been a two run home run and obviously would have won us the game.  I dont know how that ball did not get out, the wind was blowing in literally only for A-Rod's second ball out to left field.  Dont give me any of this baseball god crap, like Michael Kay would, but it simply was bad luck and it cost the Yankees two runs because that ball was absolutly crushed.  Even A-Rod thought it was a home run.  In the 7th, A-Rod hit a SCOLDING ball down the line, and if Figgins was not playing in, could have easily been a double down the line.  A-Rod is hot right now, and I have a feeling another Home Run is coming are way in a few hours.

- Pettitte had another Pettitte postseason outing.  You cant blame him, yea, the home run to Vlad was bad, it was a cutter that got too much of the plate and Vlad smacked it out.  It happens he still gave up only 3 runs in 6.1 on 7 hits.  If you think about it, he made two big mistakes in the game.  Thats it.  If you tell me Pettitte is going to make two mistakes all game, I would take my chances on a Yankees win...Unless those two mistake were both grand slams but that a different story.

- Jared Weaver in my opinion was not at all impressive, and it really bothered me that we only got three runs off of him.  His change up was flat, both A-Rod's and Damon's Home Runs were off of flat hanging changeups, and he did not seem to have it all game.  I would love to see Jared Weaver again, and I am pretty confident the Yankees would crush him.  And if we do see him, it would be in a Game 7.

-For a guy who had only two clutch hits in over 100 postseason games, Jorge Posada is quickly erasing his "unclutch" status.  What a HUGE HUGE Home Run he hit to tie the game in the 8th inning.  If not for Gardner getting thrown out (Look, its a pitch out, it happens) the Yankees win.  Its so frusterating how we COMPLETLY outplayed this team and yet I am sitting here writing about a lose.  I am getting more upset as we go. 

- Ok, so in about an hour C.C Sabathia will go in Game 4 of the ALCS.  People ask me am I worried.  To be honest, no I am not.  I have pictured this team winning it all in late Aug. and I dont think that will change.  I have been so accustomed to thinking that, that it wont hit me until the actually get elminated.  I think C.C can easily get tagged today, but my gut tells me he pitches a strong game, A-Rod hits a Home Run, and that Kazmier wont last six innings.  I think its again a close game, closer than Game 1 because C.C wont be at full strength, but the Yankees prevail and head into thursday night up 3-1.

- Lew

Monday, October 19, 2009

ALCS Game 2 Recap

Guys sorry about the wait I was driving all weekend and this week have a full plate on the schedule so I will do my best to get everything out.  What can you say, the Yankees are two wins away from the World Series, and have their postseason wiz on the mound this afternoon in Andy Pettitte. 

Yes, I was at this game as well as Game 1, and the crowd had a different feel as well.  Game 1 crowd was a million times better than Game 2 but I think there were a few reasons for that.  One, there are a lot of cowards out there who get scared off by rain even if its a saturday night and its Game 2 of the ALCS.  Another reason was that in Game 1 I was sitting in the Bleachers, a much rowdier atmosphere than the rest of the stadium.  Game 2 was also probably the coldiest baseball game I have ever been to, even colder than Game 1.  Despite what Fatcessa says, I didnt think Game 1 was that cold, Game 2 on the other hand was FREEZING, in fact it actually snowed for an inning or two.  Here are my notes from Game 2.

- A.J pitched an A.J type game, 6 1/3 3 hits 2 runs 5 k's.  He hit a bunch of guys in key situations, especially that 5th inning, and it came back to bit him until the 13th.  I did not like the A.J/ Molina battery on saturday, but its better than A.J/Posada so I cant complain.  A.J is a headcase and you have to know what you get with him, so if Molina goes out to the mound every pitch than fine, it just sucks being out in the freezing cold and having Molina come out after every pitch.  Joe Saunders pitched very well, and if your a Yankee fan you almost expected not to score off of him in this game.  A crafty lefty who throws hard but not overpowering stuff in this type of weather, would shut us down, and thats exactly what he did.  Aside from Cano's triple and Jeter's Yankee Stadium Home Run, Saunders was dominating, allowing only singles as he cruised to the 7th.  He would be a tough matchup in Game 6 if it gets there.

- Robbie Cano.  Yes the weather was bad, and yes the infield sucked, but if there is one thing you cannot do, it is making an error in the postseason, ESPECIALLY vs the Angels.  Well, he made two, and that is why I almost had a heart attack.  I never liked Cano, I thought he is what he is, a guy much like Abreu who puts up numbers but when it really counts will lay an egg (Abreu is 0-9 in the series by the way for people who wanted him back).  Cano proved my theory int he field and left a million guys on base, though his RBI triple in the 2nd was absolutly HUGE.  Now, a guy who is shot is Vlad Guerrero.  I guess the loss of Roids really did him in, because he left 8 guys on base 1-7 ON THE DAY and left the bases loaded twice.  WOW.  THe knock on him is that he is not clutch, and he came up big vs the Red Sox in the ALDS but he is coming up flat again.

- What more can you say about A-Rod at this point I am at a loss for words.  He is becoming David Ortiz and Derek Jeter rolled into one in a big spot.  The Yankees were not winning if he doesnt hit a Home Run or a double.  Guzman and Gardner were due up after and if A-Rod get out its over.  Not only does he get on base he hits a Home Run.  AGAIN.  This is the third HUGE home run A-Rod has hit this postseason and I dont see it coming to an end anytime soon.  Through the rain as well, just so big.  A-Rod is really doing the eff-you to all of his critics this postseason.

- Girardi really did everything in his power to lose this game for the Yankees.  The move of Gardner pinch running for Swisher in the 7th was ABYSMAL, you do not pinch run for your 6th hitter in the 7th inning.  He did not even attempt to steal and Cano hit into a DP.  Girardi made matters worse when he pinch ran for Matsui with Freddy Guzman and made the 6th and 7th hitters Guzman and Gardner.  Not to mention the AWFUL micro managing he did using not 1 not 2 not 3 but 8 PITCHERS!!  For a second I thought Whitey Ford was going to come in.  Listen, it worked out, and has this whole year for the most part and so far for the playoffs, but it will come back and bit us in the ass, either now or the World Series.  Mark my words, Girardi is asking for trouble when he takes a pitcher out after one batter, and it has got to stop.

- The more I thought about it, this might have been the worst played exciting game I have seen.  Neither team could hit, the crowd was dead half the game, and the weather was disgusting.  There were errors all the way around, bad base running plays, pitching changes left and right, yet the game saw A-Rod tie the game in the 11th with a Home Run and Macier Izturis' error when it for the Yankees in the bottom of the 13th.  Good for Jerry Hairston.  I am very impressed with a guy who has not had an at bat in about 2 1/2 weeks and he comes up with a base hit up the middle.  Fantastic job.  I also did not realize that this game might still be going if Figgins did not bobble the ball and allowed Hairston to score easily. 

- Last thing because I have to go to class, Tex better step up his game or he is going to hear boos rather quickly.  Yea, I know we have won 5 playoff games in a row, but going to L.A is not going to be easy and scares the hell out of me.  Tex better get it going because he and Cano are the the goat of this series so far.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Giants Hit the Big Easy

Finally, football is back, well for the Giants at least.  After taking a five week hiatus playing teams not worthy of playing Don Bosco Prep, the Giants march into the Big Easy to face the 4-0 Saints.  This is not your father's 'Aints anymore, the Saints possess the leagues most octane offense, and a playmaking defense led by Giants killer Darren Sharper.  The subplot of this game is Eli Manning's return to his hometown of New Orleans, but really the theme is if the Giants could beat a competant team.  Lets look at the matchups:

Eli Manning vs New Orleans Secondary

So far in this young season, Eli Manning has had the best start of his career.  He is currently the second highest rated passer behind his brother, and has 10 TDS to only 2 INTS, a fantastic ratio that until last year, no Giants fan could have believed would be possible.  The thing he does now more than ever, and this really started during the 2007 Postseason run, is that he looks off recievers until he finds someone open.  His go to guy is Steve Smith, but if he is covered he will check down to Boss, Bradshaw/Jacobs, or Manningham if he cuts across the middle.  Something you cannot say about Eli is that he is not clutch, and returning home this week will probably motivate him more than ever.  Eli is not a rah-rah guy, but he is firey, the players say that, and I expect him to have a big game.  Just look at what he did in his last "home coming" vs the chargers in 2005, he lit them up, and though the Giants lost pretty handly, Eli proved for the first time that he could play on the big stage. 

Now, going against the Saints secondary is no walk in the park.  When you think of the Saints you think of their offense, but believe me, do not sleep on this secondary.  Led by Pro Bowler and Giants killer Darren Sharper, who has picked off five passes already for an Ed Reed like 275 yards, the Saints possess a secondary that is capable of the big play, just ask Mark Sanchez or Kevin Kolb.  The difference is that Eli Manning is just a bit better than those two quarterbacks, but remember Sharper lurking at the saftey position.  Remember 2005, and 2007 when Sharper had three INTS returning two of them to the house.  I would not be surprised, in fact, I expect Sharper to pick off an Eli pass tomorrow afternoon.  The Saints corners are not nearly as good as their safties Jabari Greer and Porter need some help from Sharper and Roman Harper if they are going to shut down Steve Smith and Mario Manningham.  Former Pats corner Randell Gay could give the Giants some problems, but really if the Giants stay away from Darren Sharper, Eli should be fine.  However, that is easier said then done. 

Is the Rest of the Saints Defense as Good as Advertised?

Led my former Jet Jonathan Vilma, the Saints defense has actually outperformed their vaunted offense of late.  In the last two games the Saints have given up 17 combined points, and seven of them were on a fake field goal pass for a TD.  The Saints have a good linebacking core with the beforementioned Vilma, and Scott Shanle who is second in the team in tackles and in INTs.  Roman Harper is the other saftey beside Darren Sharper and leads the team in tackles.  The front four consists of Will Smith, Charles Grant, Kendrick Clancy, and Sedrick Ellis, which gets a good push up front, but have only resulted in 10 sacks.  6.5 have come from Grant and Smith, so the Saints need to improve their pass rush, especially against one of the top lines in football in the Giants. 

How Can the Giants Defense Stop The Saints?

Ranked number one overall in defense, the Giants are out to prove that the Saints bark is worse than their bite.  Since the Saints first two games, they have scored a respectable, but not outrageous, 51 points, which comes out to about 25.5 points a game.  The Giants know this, and know the Saints strength by far is Drew Brees and the passing game.  Brees has completly reinvented himself after arm surgery a few years back, and has turned the Saints franchise around from the days when they were known as the 'Aints.  Brees has completed and amazing 68% of his passes, and what makes the Saints so dangerous is that he has weapons out of the back field along with Marques Coleston.  Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas are explosive and love to catch swing passes out of the backfield.  Though the big threat is Coleston, Devery Henderson, and Jeremy Shockey are very real threats that the Giants must take seriously.  Now, how can the Giants limit this offense?  Well, a good pass rush.  If Tuck and Osi get around Jermon Bushrod and Jon Stinchcomb, the Saints could be in alot of trouble.  The one thing about the Saints is that this Giants pass rush DESTROYS the Saints line, and you saw that against the ferocious Jets pass rush that disrupted Brees.  If not for Mark Sanchez, the Jets might have won that game, and you can bet the Giants watched film of that game and will blitz Brees left and right.

The one thing that worries me is the Giants linebacking core.  Michael Boley, who really was coming on strong, is of course out, and I am worried Shocky is going to physically man handle AP.  Danny Clark/Chase Blackburn or complete non factors, and the middle could be wide open.  However, the Giants secondary has been great so far, and though I am not solid on Terrell Thomas yet despite him playing well, Corey Webster has been simply fantastic and if he shuts down Coleston, could mean the game for the Giants.  Send blitz packages left and right, get pressure with Tuck and Osi, and do not let Shockey beat you, and that could mean a "W" for the Giants.

How Can The Giants Win?

If the defense steps up and does what I wrote a paragraph before, and Brandon Jacobs gets it going.  It goes without saying, if Jacobs ever gets it going, this team is nearly unstoppable.  He is still #9 in rushing despite having 3.4 yards per carry.  If the Giants run the ball well, and use Jacobs as a boulder, that will tire the defense and let Bradshaw do his thing.  I dont really see the heel being a problem for Eli, but the line needs to step up and make sure it is not a problem.  They did that last week, but again, last week was not a real game.  If they protect Eli, and keep him out of trouble, Eli could have time to dissect this defense and move the ball down the field. 

How Can the Saints Win?

The Saints could win if Brees passes through the Giants defense like he did against the Eagles and Lions and to an extent the Bills and Jets.  The Giants are going to be playing pass first, so if the Saints ever get Thomas or Bush going on the ground, it could be a long day for the Giants.  As I said before, I am not sold on this Saints line, but if they ever give Brees time, it could be over rather quickly.  A great QB with time, and Brees right now is definatly a great QB, becomes a legend.  So if the Giants give Brees time to pick them apart, he could put up over 30 points.  Also, if the Saints defense plays like they played all year; make the big play and score, then the Giants could be in trouble. 

Injury Report

What a surprise, Chris Canty and Aaron Ross are not playing, and Michael Boley is still out from having surgery on his knee.  Everyone else will suit up and are ready to go.

Who Wins?

This is the prime game on this weeks schedule, a possible NFC Championship preview and in my opinion the two best teams in the NFC.  Shockey has been talking all week, whats new, and the Saints finally feel confident enough on defense that they could make a serious run in the NFC.  To be the best, you have to beat the best, and that is how the Saints are approaching this game.  However, I just dont buy the Saints corner's and offensive line, and if the Giants have pressure on Brees they could wreck havoc all day long.  I also feel the Giants will give Eli plenty of time to throw and he will come up big in his return to New Orleans.  Since the 2007 Postseason the Giants are 21-5, so going against them, not believing in them, just doesnt make much sense.  The Giants know how to win big games, it remains to be seen with the Saints, that is why I am picking the Giants.

Giants 27 Saints 23

ALCS Game 1 Recap

Anyway, Game 1 in the books the Yanks are looking good.  It was a well played game, that really the Yankees dominated from start to finish.  Though it was 2-1 in the 5th, it was never a doubt in my mind that Angels would rally and win the game.  It just had that feeling, especially when Aybar and Figgins let that Matsui ball drop, you knew it was not a good sign for the Angels. 

My expereince at Game 1 was great, we arrived at my place at 4:00, I took a nice hot shower, still not believing Russo and Fatcessa had a reunion hours before (more on this in a seperate post) and at 5:00 we hopped on the subway and embarked for the New Yankee Stadium.  At around 5:45 we get to the New Stadium and go to "The Dugout" but not without passing Jim Leyritz who was sitting outside by himself signing autographs.  At "The Dugout" I ran into my old ESPN friends from when I interned at ESPN Radio and had a nice chat with my former boss.  The place errupted when David Cone was brought on stage accompanied by....Peter King.  

When the craziness of Cone died down, we went to the game, section 203 bleachers.  The crowd was really into it, especially the bleachers, and I stood for 90% of the game.  Very intense atmosphere, in fact these bleachers are much better than the old ones because they are on an angle, and your higher up.  

- Right from the get go, the Yankees just seemed to have it.  Jeter single, Damon single moving Jeter to third, and then it was 3-0 on Tex before he got out and then Arod came through with a sac fly.  Then the fun started to happen.  Matsui pops a ball in between Figgins, the third baseman, and Aybar the shortstop, and it just dropped.  The place is in shock and were up 2-0.  Lackey on the mound looked like Patrick Bateman before cutting off some girls head when that ball dropped, and then he finally got out of it.

- No action until the 4th when Vlad, who by the way put on more weight than Matthew Perry after a rehab stint, hit a booming fly ball that everyone thought was gone and it hit the base of the wall in left center.  After Juan "I tore my MCL while running into a golf cart" Rivera grounded out, Kendry Morales singled and runied C.C's potential shutout.  C.C buckled down and got out of it.

- The big play of the game, with two on and one out in the bottom of the 5th, Matsui "doubles" to left which scores Damon easily, and Arod ran through Rob Thomson's stop sign and tried to score.  He was thrown out by a mile.  I was listening to WFAN all night and today and for some reason that became a huge deal.  Guys, its not a big deal, he got thrown out, it was a dumb play, move on the game was never in doubt.  I guess because nothing really happend in this game, people have to nitpick, but its stupid to pick on Arod, who granted made a dumb play, but its not the end of the world.

- The last run of the game came courtesy of who else, The Shortstop Formaly Known as Old Man Jeets, who singled up the middled and put the game away.  Now to the notes.

- John Lackey quietly has not done much for the Yankees in the playoffs.  He has never gone passed 5 2/3 in all three starts he has had in the postseason vs the Yankees and though only 3 runs of his were earned, he still walked 3 and gave up 9 hits.  Typical A.J start, not one you expect from John Lackey.  Not sure if he puts up another bad outing if the Angels bring him back, hes from Texas, wears that state on his sleeve, and maybe going to the Rangers or Astros would suit him better than staying in L.A.

- Time to start Gardner?  I dont kow about that yet, after Melky put on a solid game yesterday going 1-2 with 2 walks, but you got to winder about trying to emulate the way the Angels play, and the only way to do that would be to put Gardner in center.

(Probably cant tell but thats David Cone)

- The big thing C.C did yesterday was keep Figgins off the base path.  Figgins is our worst enemy, he gives up nightmares and fits, but he went 0-4 yesterday and the more he is off the base path, the better.

- Lew

Friday, October 16, 2009

You Can Now find me on

What up kids, I was just offered a position to write for the website called  This was formally a blogspot blog but a website will be launced on sunday and I am joining Ian Toubin and his team.  Its a fantastic blog, and the website will be even better.  Thank you Eric "Coco Beans, Schnitz" Gonzo for brokering this deal.  Tremendous job.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WILL STOP WRITING FOR THIS SITE, this is a New York sports based blog, so though I will be writing all Giants stuff on, I will still be blogging in this space all NY sports.  The blog will not change.  As R. Kelly said, "best of both worlds."  I'll post an ALCS recap tomorrow.

- Lew

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chris Russo On Letterman Last Night

Couple of you guys wanted to know my reaction to him being on Letterman.  First, you have to understand they are friends, and Letterman has him on as entertainment/sports guy.  Personally, I thought he was terrible, same old act, and he did not do anything to make me think his career is going anywhere after he left Mike.  The move to move to Sirus looks worse and worse for Russo by the day, especially now the Fat Mikey has that new studio.  But I can guarentee you somewhere in Chataeu Fatcessca that Mike was watching and seething at Russo when he was on Letterman. 

- Lew

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mad Dog Moment #8

All I have to say is "Play Ball."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Giants Raiders Recap

Do we even have to discuss this game.  Next sunday cant come fast enough, finally I can have a comprehensive Giants preview and recap.  These games are good because we s*** on these teams, its funny, and its a guarentee win.  However, they suck because the game is boring by the 2nd quarter.  The Saints this week will be by far our biggest test and it is the primier game the NFL has seen so far this year.

As for the Raiders, they are atrocious, what else can you say.  I am not even going to get into the recap style I have been writing because I realize nobody cares about it when we play a team that bad.  For the Saints, your going to get a HUGE Giants preview, and Giants recap format will be back in full affect, but for now, I am taking break.  Nobody needs my take on the Giants linebacking core in a game we won 44-7 which should have been 51-0 if not for that HORRIBLE down by contact call.  I am dead serious when I say this, Florida with a healthy Tim Tebow might give the Raiders a game.  They would porbably lose by double digits, but it might not be a blowout, thats how bad the Oakland Raiders are right now. O, and another thing, Darius Heyward-Bey has more names (3) than catches (2).  Good pick Al Davis.  My ntoes from the game.

-How bad was JaMarcus Russell?  Stratch that, how HISTORICALLY AWFUL has he been?  He is so bad that he makes Derek Anderson look like Joe Montana and John Elway rolled into one.  I cant even imagine what a Raiders fan is thinking right now with this guy.  He has no sense of urgency, he has no idea how to read defenses, hes slow in feet and in brain, and he fumbles the ball more than Kerry Collins which is really saying something.  The guy has a great arm, GREAT arm thats it.  I cannot believe this guy went number 1 overall.

-Not only is Tom Cable a terrible coach, he is going to get arressted.  You cant make this stuff up.  Absymal organization is being too kind when it comes to the Raiders.  Literally, they should do what the Knicks did in the movie "Eddie" with the head coach.  They should give it away to a DIE HARD Raiders fan, who even now, still loves the Raiders, have them coach the team, and I mean how worse can it get?  Cant get worse than this, plus maybe a new "Ivan Make Charge" guy can emerge.  It would be the best storyline in sports and make the Raiders look very fan friendly as an organization.  By the way, I am completly serious with this idea, it cant get any worse than this.

- Eli had a perfect game as a passer in what seemed like a preseason game.  He looked fantastic throwing the ball, but again it was the Raiders.  Eli has been the best he has ever been in his career this year, but of course the big test will be against the Saints.  Yes, the heel will be an issue, but not as big as I think it has made out to be. 

- Dont look now, but Steve Smith is the leading NFL reciever.  Pretty amazing for a guy who almost got traded for Braylon Edwards.  Sometimes the guy who has the most talent doesnt mean its going to equate to being the best reciever, as Smith is not that athletic, but has great hands and is a fantastic route runner.

- Great fade route to Manningham for a TD in the first.

- Fantastic job by the defense, it looks like Justin Tuck is back, a forced fumble, fumble recovery, and two sacks.  Literally, not one player on the defense played badly, after all, the Giants are the #1 overall defense in the league statistically. 

- Sinorice Moss.  I have had enough, the guy should be cut RIGHT NOW.  He is Chad Morton/R.W McQuarters rolled into one.  Why cant the Giants ever have a good kickoff returner....O yea he is Dominick Hixon and if he isnt going to be used a a reciever (and really he shouldnt hes isnt that good, plus Manningham, Smith, Nicks, Beckum, and Boss are all better) THAN PUT HIM BACK THERE COUGHLIN!!  Its getting really bad, and I am starting to think Moss should have been cut in training camp.  One of the only mistakes made in the last couple of years, but this was a waste of a second rounder.  He fumbles way too much, and runs east-west like a guy running from the cops.  I cant take anymore games with this bum returning punts or kicks.

Not really much else to say on this game other than the Giants played a team that my middle school team could have played with.  Jeremy Shockey is already talking noise, saying he is going to kill us next week.  Nothing would make me more happy if someone SLAMMED him over the middle and ended his career.  I loved Shockey, I really did, but the way he handled himself in 2007 really proved it was all about him, and for a guy who I thought was team first, I could not forgive him. 

Heres whats on tap for the week, we got Yankees ALCS Game 1 Sabathia vs Lackey on friday, ALCS Game 2 on saturday and Giants-Saints NFC showdown 4:00 on sunday.  Pretty outrageous weekend if your a Yanks and Giants fan, one of the best I have seen in a while.

- Lew

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yankees Sweep; Game 3 Recap

Well, that was quick.  Before you could blink the Yankees had swept the Twins and are on their way to the ALCS for the first time since 2004 when of course....well we all know what happend.  Clutch hitting, great pitching, and good defense propelled the Yankees to the ALCS to face their arch nemeisis the L.A Angels.  More on that upcoming series in a bit, first lets get to game three.

- Andy Pettitte just keeps coming up big in the postseason.  Remember laboring Andy?  That just disappears in the postseason.  6 1/3 one run on only 81 pitches, awsome outing.  Pettitte comes up big time after time, and its remarkable how consistent he has been of late in the postseason.  Everytime you need a big outing from Andy your going to get it.  I had all the faith in the world in him last night, and like I said, he came through. 

- Can I say anymore good things about Arod?  Just keeps on coming up big when you need him.  I have never seen a guy so villified just turn it around so quickly.  Just like that.  Forget the home run in Game 2, which of now he will be best remembered for.  The thing that I think turned him around was in Game 1 when his RBI single put the Yankees up 4-2.  Once he hit that he was a new man, because his next time up with a runner on he hit a booming single to right to score Jeter to make it 7-2.  If Arod continues his hot streak and we win a World Series, point to that at bat in the 5th inning of Game 1 that revived his career.

- I have gotten on Jorge many times, in this blog and to other people as well, but his home run and 2 RBI single was ENOURMOUS last night.  I can remember Jorge coming up big twice in his career: Obviously Game 7 ALCS which was a gift of god blooper, and the second was when he hit a home run off of Barry Zito in Game 3 of the 2001 ALDS aka the Jeter Flip game.  The final score was 1-0 and everyone remembers the flip, and we should, but Jorge still drove home the only run in that game in the 6th inning.  Add last night to the list, with a go ahead 7th inning home run in Game 3 of the ALDS.

- In my opinion Joe Girardi took a couple steps backwards in this series.  He took so many steps forward in the regular season, but took a couple backwards in this series.  The job he has done with the bullpen was awful, no question.  The one thing I worry about the most with the Angels is that Mike Scioscia is by far the best manager in baseball in my opinion.  Girardi isnt anywhere close, and that will be a HUGE factor in who wins this series.  If Girardi steps up and stops being a moron, for instance taking out Pettitte who is rolling along with 81 pitches, or putting in Dameso Marte, or leaving Phil Hughes in way too long, than we have a good shot of winning.  Speaking of Hughes, he was so big in the 2007 ALDS vs Cleveland in relief, he won Game 3 with a great 3 innings of Clemens, but in this series it looked like he was a bit nervous.  Thats fine, as long as they are out of his system.  We cannot win this series without an effective Hughes, so hopefully that is all behind him.  He was not mixing his pitches as well as he did in the regular season, and he his curve was hanging left and right.

- I want to give it up for the 2009 AL MVP Joe Mauer who carried this team on his back and still performed in the playoffs.  What a player this guy, I wrote a couple of days ago that barring injuries he might have a chance to be the greatest catcher of all time, I stand by that statement, the guy is only 26 and has already won three batting titles and about to win an MVP.  Also, Denard Span had a great series, a product of New Britian as well as Mauer, and he proved all year he could be a great leadoff hitter and steal 40 bases year in and year out.

Next up for the Yankees are the hated Angels.  We all know the story about the Angels, we cant beat them in the regular season, and we sure as hell cant beat them come playoff time.  Well you know what, we have never played them in a 7 game series, so we will see.  A little background about the Yankee killing Angels, they were the only team during the dynasty era (96-01) that had a winning record against the Yanks.  In 2002 they ended the Yankees streak of four straight World Series Appereances with a 3-1 ALDS win.  Remember the Tim Salmon game, the Yankees were up 6-0 and blew Game 3.  In 2005, the Yankees once again won game 1, only to lose the next two and come from behind in a miracle Game 4 and then only to see Bubba Crosby drop a fly ball in Game 5 and the Yankees never recovered.  We will see what happens, I will say this, I am as confident as I have ever been as a Yankee fan, and I think this team just has "it" I really do.  Time will tell, but if the Yanks can win this series, there is no doubt in my mind we will be having a parade sometime early November.
