The Yankees did what they needed to do; win Game 2. That is all we were talking about, win Game 2, tie this thing up going into Philly. That is excatly what the Yankees did, and now this is a completely brand new series. The crowd was electric pretty much the whole night as the Whose your Daddy chants rained from the crowd. We are now headed to a very good atmoshpere in Philly, but I expect nothing less than taking the next two of three.
- A.J earned his $82 mil with this start. He finally put everything together and was simply mowing down the Phillies. He ran into some trouble into the 2nd, where he gave up a run to Matt Stairs on an RBI single, but that was it. Also, A-Rod should have come up with that ball. After that, he was dominating, he got into a jam in the 6th where he walked Rollins, but came out unscathed. The 7th inning was just lights out, as he had the crowd roaring with every strike out and his last out on a weak ground ball. He threw 54 fastballs, 46 curves, 9 changes, for 109 total pitches. His curve was working from the get-go, and Philly did not know what hit them, just ask Ryan Howard who is wearing his nice Golden Sombrero. On the other hand, everyone in the world thought Pedro would get lite up like a christmas tree. What happend was shocking, he not only pitched well, he looked like the old Pedro at times. He ended up with 8 k's in 6 innings, and you have to say, Pedro has guts. He really is a big game pitcher and this is a nice cherry on top of his Hall of Fame career. However, he lost the game, and all the reporters and media sounded like he won the game. Sorry, he lost. Get over it.
(Terrible quality)
-The crowd was dead going into the 4th, the Yankees had not scored an earned run yet in the Series, our bats were dead as could be, until Mark Teixeira stepped up to the plate. You just had a feeling the Yankees NEEDED to score with Tex, A-Rod, and Matsui coming up. BOOOOM, Tex BLASTS a homer to deep, DEEP right field. Tie game. Thats all we needed, and the stadium ERUPTED. Whose your daddy was chanted and the fans were back into the game. Hopefully this can get Tex going, but he still sucked at the end of the game so who knows.
- Matsui's HR was huge as well. A.J just got out of a HUUUGE jam and for Matsui to take Pedro deep, especially since he was 4-28 lifetime off of him, was so big. Pedro threw a hanging curve that almost hit his shoe tops, and Matsui drove it. If you see the highlight, notice the guy throw a beer up in the air and splashs down on everyone. Funny stuff. From my seats I could not see either ball land, but I knew both were gone the moment Tex and Matsui hit it.
- Charlie Manual called on his inner Grady Little and left Pedro in too long. The move to bring in Chan Ho Park might have been the DUMBEST decision of all time, Posada roped an RBI single, and it would have been at least 5-1 at the end of the inning if not for one of the worst calls I have ever seen by Brian Gorman. From my seats, I was in the second level 5th row pretty much behind the foul pole in right, I saw him trap it. Howard knew he trapped it by throwing to first. How Gorman did not see this is a travesty. Could you imagine if Philly tied the game??!! This is literally getting to be too much, there ABSOLUTLY has to be instant replay next year for ALL calls BUT balls and strikes. You have to do it, I dont care if you slow down the game, not my problem, just get the call right. I got a good text during the game from a friend in my house it said, "Doesnt need to be instant replay, just be like hockey, get it right the first time." Its true, hockey has their flaws in calls, but for the most part their refs are pretty accurate. GET THE CALL RIGHT, IF I COULD SEE IT FROM 400 FEET AWAY, WHY COULDNT BRIAN GORMAN!!!!???? Mind boggling. Not too mention he felt the need to have a make up call when he called Utley out at first on Mo's double play ball. Clearly safe, and thats BS as well, there shouldnt be missed calls, which means there shoudlnt be make up calls. Terrible, the whole thing sucks.
- I am not concerned YET about A-Rod. 0-8 with 6 k's is ATROCIOUS, but its only two games. I am not going to get wrapped up in that yet. Its only time before Damon, Tex, and A-Rod start hitting. It will come, be patient.
- Mariano for 2 innings, I got to be honest, I didnt like the move. I wanted A.J for AT LEAST 2 guys in the 8th and then put in Mo. You cant keep using Mo for 6 outs saves, he threw 40 pitches and is getting exhausted. I have a bad feeling if Giardi keeps doing that, that it will bite us back in the ass during this series. I hope I am wrong. However, Mo is just legendary, how he got out of trouble, and pretty much every lead is safe with him. You wont realize it until he is gone, but you will never see a better closer, pitcher for that matter than Mariano. He gets the job done 99% of the time, while other guys are not good for more than five years in a row. Mariano gets better with age, and he is going on 13 years of being an absolute DOMINATING reliever. Amazing, I will shed a tear when he finally decides to hang it up. But you know what, he still has it, that might not be until 2015.
(Terrible Quality again)
If this weekend does not get a Philly-New York thing going, nothing will. The appetizer on saturday features the Knicks-76ers at the Garden. Awful game, but it gets things going. Later that day the Yanks and Phillies sqaure off in Game 3 of the World Series in Philly. On sunday, the Jets play the Dolphins (no relevance, just giving a shout out to my Jets fans) the Giants play the Eagles at Philly, and at night the Yankees play the Phillies in Game 4 of the World Series.
For those not happy on my Gmen coverage of late, I am sorry the Yankees are in the World Series, the Giants can take a bit of a back seat in coverage. I still watched the whole Cardinals game (DVR at 3 A.M very clutch) and I of course will be glued for sunday's game.
- Lew